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Save our Secret Ballot

Voters in Five States Approve Ballot Measures to Protect Fundamental Freedoms

Goldwater Institute inspires reforms in state constitutions, city charter

Save our Secret Ballot
Defeated card check

Defeated card check by creating Save Our Secret Ballot, a constitutional amendment now law in eight states and counting. This amendment guarantees workers the right to a secret ballot in union organizing elections. After the National Labor Relations Board sued to keep it from becoming law, our “crack litigation outfit” (New York Times) successfully defended it against the Obama Administration.

Save our Secret Ballot
National Labor Relations Board v. State of Arizona (Save Our Secret Ballot case)

Arizona voters approved an amendment to the state constitution in 2010 to expand protection for a worker’s right to vote by secret ballot if asked to join a union. On May 6, 2011, the National Labor Relations Board sued the State of Arizona in federal court to prevent enforcement of the constitutional amendment, claiming federal law pre-empts any protection to workers that the state might offer. The Goldwater Institute has joined the State in opposing the lawsuit on behalf of individual workers to protect the Save Our Secret Ballot amendment and safeguard an individual’s right to decide whether or not to join a labor organization.

Save our Secret Ballot
Will civil libertarians defend the secret ballot?

[W]e feel that the secret ballot is absolutely necessary in order to ensure that workers are not intimidated into voting for a union they might not otherwise choose. So wrote Rep. George Miller (D-CA) and 15 colleagues in a 2001 letter to the Mexican government.

Save our Secret Ballot
Arizona Voters Should Decide If Secret Ballots Are Fundamental Right

PHOENIX — Arizona voters will have the opportunity in November to decide if secret ballots should be a constitutional right during public elections and the creation of labor unions, unless a union succeeds in its bid to have the proposed amendment removed as a ballot measure.

Save our Secret Ballot
Arizona Supreme Court Tosses Proposition to Guarantee Vote by Secret Ballot

PHOENIX – The Arizona Supreme Court ruled late Tuesday that Proposition 108 won’t be considered by Arizona voters during the November 2010 general election.

Save our Secret Ballot
Goldwater Institute Defends Right to Vote by Secret Ballot

PHOENIX – The Goldwater Institute is joining the State of Arizona in defending Proposition 113, a state constitutional amendment to protect worker rights, from a challenge by the National Labor Relations Board.

Save our Secret Ballot
Defending the right to a secret ballot and Arizona’s constitution

Last year, voters in Arizona approved Proposition 113, a state constitutional amendment drafted by the Goldwater Institute to protect every worker’s right to a secret-ballot vote if they are asked to join a union. Voters in South Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah also added this protection to their state constitutions last year, and more states are signing up this year.

Save our Secret Ballot
The War On The Secret Ballot

The Obama administration has fired its opening salvo against a cornerstone of democracy: the right to secret ballot.

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