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Week in Review

Week in Review
Week in Review: 50 Blazing Beacons of Hope

May 19, 2018 At the Goldwater Institute, we believe that the solution to Washington’s problems isn’t in Washington. Instead, through..

Property Rights
Week in Review: “Shhh! Bedtime is at 10 p.m.”

May 12, 2018 We hear about the “Nanny State” all the time — whenever government enacts overprotective laws that interfere..

Week in Review: The High Cost of the Strike

May 5, 2018 Arizona’s illegal week-long teacher strike—just one of a wave of public employee strikes across the country—has come..

Week in Review
Week in Review: Illegal Teacher Strike Leaves over 800,000 Kids Hanging

April 28, 2018 Arizona teachers marched in the streets of Phoenix this week demanding higher pay—despite just getting a raise—all..

Free Speech
Week in Review: It Happened Again this Week. Twice.

[youtube] April 21, 2018 It happened again this week. Twice. Protestors shouted down speakers on college campuses, undermining the..

Week in Review: The Truth about Teacher Pay

April 14, 2018 West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Arizona have all been mired in a teacher pay debate. But amid..

Free Speech
Week in Review: Arizona Defends Free Speech

April 7, 2018 The First Amendment guarantees our freedom of speech. Yet cities across the country are taking steps to..

Week in Review
Week in Review: George Will says Goldwater Institute is the Gold Standard

March 31, 2018 George Will is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer whose commentary on American government has helped shape the national..

Free Speech
Week in Review: Students Speak Out about Free Speech on Campus

[youtube] March 22, 2018 What do students think about the threat to freedom of speech on campus? We visited..

Indian Child Welfare Act
Week in Review: Don’t These Children Deserve Better?

March 17, 2018 C.J. Jr. was born in Ohio, and ordinarily you wouldn’t be able to distinguish him from any other..

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