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Goldwater Institute applauds NYC’s decision to let the horse carriages stay

February 5, 2016

After months of debate, city leaders in the Big Apple have rejected Mayor de Blasio’s push to eliminate Central Park’s world-famous horse-drawn carriages. The proposed ban would have ruined a 150-year old business, killed jobs, and set a precedent whereby politicians could forbid businesses out of mere personal disapproval. We’re glad to see Mayor de Blasio come to his senses on the City’s iconic horse carriages. For nearly two years, we’ve been warning about the devastating impact banning horse carriages would have on the hard-working New York families who operate them. Hundreds of people would have lost their jobs and family businesses that have operated for generations would have been wiped out. We’re glad that, instead of having to go to court to fight the ban, the city has decided to let people keep their jobs, let tourists continue to enjoy this fun experience, and allow these businesses to stay in operation.


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