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Beware of the Government's Healthcare 'Truth' peddlers

August 25, 2023

The Biden administration’s efforts to regulate, either explicitly or through indirect government coercion, what it deems to be “misinformation” in healthcare not only runs counter to our shared values but can be dangerous to our health.

Last summer, the surgeon general issued a 22-page advisory characterizing misinformation as a serious threat to public health. While the report offers guidance for the public on how to discern misinformation, it also encourages social media companies to engage in content regulation and censorship.

More recently, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert Califf called for increased government authority to limit misinformation. Their efforts, in addition to state initiatives to dictate speech at the bedside, risk creating a culture of censorship around medical discourse that could have far-reaching consequences.

Read the rest of the op-ed at the Washington Examiner.

Joe Grogan is a visiting senior fellow at the USC Schaeffer Center and served as domestic policy adviser to former President Donald Trump from 2019-20. Naomi Lopez is a senior fellow at the Goldwater Institute.



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