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Goldwater Defends Constitutional Rights of Indiana School Employees

The First Amendment protects the rights of all individuals to freely associate with—and disassociate from—whatever private organizations they choose. Yet..

PRO Act Would Kill “Right to Work” in Arizona and Nationwide

August 9, 2021By Jacob Huebert Unions and the Biden administration are trying to enact a new federal law—the Protecting the..

Supreme Court Should Protect Workers Locked in to Paying Union Dues

July 22, 2021By Jacob Huebert Unions are being allowed to flout a landmark Supreme Court ruling—and it’s time for the..

Goldwater Brief: Washington State Unions Can’t Flout the First Amendment

April 23, 2021By Jacob Huebert Today, the Goldwater Institute is taking its latest step in standing up to union power,..

Biden’s Executive Order Shows Big Labor—Not Taxpayers—Is the Priority

January 26, 2021By Mark Flatten Top officials at federal employee unions will be able to go back to working full-time..

The Fight Over Paying Teachers Not to Teach in New Jersey

Teachers in New Jersey are paid NOT to teach under a practice known as “release time,” which benefits private teachers..

Investigative Reports
The Political Power of Government Unions: How Reforming Release Time Is an Uphill Battle

The teachers union in Florida’s Miami-Dade County spent a lot of time and money to make sure Christi Fraga did..

The Political Power of Government Unions

How reforming ‘release time’ is an uphill battle The teachers union in Florida’s Miami-Dade County spent a lot of time..

Government Reform
Taxpayers Lose and Unions Win in “Labor Peace” Bargains

Union release time is supposed to bring “labor peace” to the states, cities, and school districts that pay union officials..

Investigative Reports
What Do These Government Workers Do All Day?

Read the first report in this series, Money for Nothing. Read the second report in this series, Failure to Track Release Time..

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