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I Taught For 30 Years – Here’s Why We Need Academic Transparency

February 24, 2022

As a teacher for over 30 years, I experienced firsthand the transition from textbooks to technology. Some of these changes have strengthened the education experience for both teachers and students, but they have also made it more difficult for parents to know what is being taught in the classroom. That’s why I support Arizona Senate Bill 1211, a measure that adds much-needed transparency to K-12 schools.

It is important that, as educators, we continue to respect parents’ need—and right—to be involved in the academic lives of their children by being open and transparent with the materials we use. In this way, parents can better support children in their learning and rest assured knowing they are aware of and comfortable with the subject matter material. Unfortunately today, whether intentionally or not, public school districts—and schools themselves—are keeping parents in the dark when it comes to what their children are learning.

In years past, parents and community members could easily access curriculum resources, including textbooks, that were displayed in a district office over a period of time for parents and the public to see, read, and offer comments on. Additionally, students received physical texts that they used both at home and school, giving parents an additional opportunity to peruse instructional materials.

Read the rest of the op-ed at Arizona Daily Independent.

Peggy Gibson is a retired educator who taught in the Arizona school system for over three decades.



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