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Week in Review: Amazon, the Pilgrims, and Thanksgiving

November 25, 2018

November 25, 2018

This Thanksgiving, we should be thankful that the United States still enjoys the benefits of prosperity-producing free enterprise. But we should also regret the extent to which prosperity-retarding socialism has crept into virtually every area of our economy.

Whether it’s government efforts to land Amazon’s second headquarters, to redirect resources to downtowns, or to see everyone gets the same healthcare, socialism saps our enterprise, our prosperity, and our souls.

Read more from Byron Schlomach of the 1889 Institute.

Mark Flatten Seeks the Truth as an Investigative Reporter

Goldwater Institute National Investigative Journalist Mark Flatten grew up during what he calls the “golden age” of modern journalism. Two events really piqued his interest in investigative reporting and started him on his career path: the Watergate scandal, and the 1976 murder of Arizona Republic investigative reporter Don Bolles, who was targeted over stories he wrote exposing criminal activity.

To Mark, these events illustrated both the risk and the importance of seeking the truth as a journalist. Learn more about Mark’s work at the Goldwater Institute in this video interview.

San Francisco Is Forcing Soda Drinkers to Swallow Misleading Info

The First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech—which makes no distinctions between different kinds of speech or different kinds of speakers—protects the right to, say, wear a jacket with profane language. But does it really protect the right of businesses to advertise?

Goldwater Institute Vice President for Litigation Timothy Sandefur takes a look at just how free we are to speak—and not speak—in a new article at our In Defense of Liberty blog.



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