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Ditching DEI? These Colleges Just Abandoned Progressive Loyalty Oaths

August 9, 2023

It’s an unequivocable victory for college students, faculty, and the constitutions of Arizona and the United States: Arizona’s public universities will no longer force job applicants to pledge allegiance to progressivism.

Earlier this year, a bombshell report sounded the alarm over the use of politically discriminatory “diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statements” in Arizona higher education, calling on the state’s public university system to eliminate them. These statements required applicants to pledge their support for DEI in order to be hired, and in the case of Northern Arizona University, explicitly pushed applicants to include concepts from critical race theory, such as “intersectionality,” in their statements. But now, after months of sustained public pressure following the release of the report from the Goldwater Institute, where I work, Arizona’s university system is retiring its practice of forcing job applicants to provide diversity statements.

You can read the rest of the op-ed at Townhall.



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